I am part of a company made of 4 actors plus the director and light designer. Can we apply to Roma Fringe Festival?
No because for the 2022 edition is expected the hiring (Inps/Ex Enpals contributions and wage for two performances) for a maximum of 5 people (artists/technicians).
I already staged my performance in a small theatre in Rome. Can I apply to the Rome Fringe Festival?
If your show was staged in a theatre with a paying audience, you can’t apply to Rome Fringe Festival with the same show. If you staged it in another city, or in Rome in a theatre without paying audience, you can apply to Rome Fringe Festival.
Last year I presented a working progress of my performance lasting around 15 min. Can I apply to Rome Fringe Festival?
Yes, because your show has not already been proposed in its full way.
I have written a play based on Hamlet of Shakespeare. Can I apply to Rome Fringe Festival?
Yes, you can apply because it’s about an adaptation of the original play.
Regarding the 30% of the proceeds belonging to the company is it gross or net?
The economic allocation between the artists and the Fringe is calculated on the net collection. Then from the price of the ticket must be deducted the Vat.
Who does deal with the SIAE fulfillments? The Rome Fringe Festival or the Companies?
Who does deal with Enpals contributions? The Rome Fringe Festival or the companies?
For the 2022 edition the Roma Fringe Festival will take charge of the contributions (Enpals).